Our CEO, Ali Boswijk meets a lot of people from a diverse range of business backgrounds. If you think she could help you make a worthwhile business connection, feel free to get in touch.
Chamber members had an absolute hoot at the November Findex BA5 at Natureland Wildlife Trust! Read on to view event photos and find out how you can support this fantastic organisation..
This professional development series helps build people management skills to deal with the human aspect of business success. This immersive process, with post-session action planning, and progress-checkpoint calls, allows you to put theory into practice. Email trina@commerce.org.nz to express your interest in the next series 2025.
Mahitahi Colab, NMIT Campus A Block, 322 Hardy Street, Nelson, 7010, New Zealand
Join MMCA at this free 1-hour seminar to help you discover where the cash goes in your business and how to better manage your cash to achieve cashflow freedom.
Buy your discounted tickets through the Chamber for Paddy Gower's live tour and you will have an opportunity to ‘mix & mingle’ with Paddy prior to the show.
Mahitahi Colab, 322 Hardy Street, Nelson, 7010, New Zealand
The Chamber invites all new, and not so new members, as well as potential members to come along and learn a little more about what we do at the Chamber and meet the team.