Regional Business Partner Network

Regional Business Partner Network helps New Zealand businesses innovate and grow. It makes it easier for businesses to access early stage support that may be available. The network is made up of 14 Regional Business Partners around New Zealand and is supported by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) and Callaghan Innovation to support business innovation and growth for business in New Zealand.

Most business owners and managers are experts in the day to day delivery of their core product or service, however when they experience rapid growth, scale up production and sales, venture into exporting, or simply take on their first employee things sometimes get a little trickier. Many owners, managers and team leaders require better skills and knowledge in some areas to enable them to be effective, responsive and confident to lead the business into the future. That’s where we can help you to identify and prioritise the skill gaps, and offer referrals to training or coaching programmes and providers to build that capability.

The Network can help you:

  • gain an outside perspective from an independent, experienced business advisor in a confidential environment
  • plan the next steps to grow your business
  • determine if you are eligible for Capability Development funding or research and development (R&D) funding for business growth 
  • connect with the local business community, industry networks and clusters

Register now 


The Chamber can offer you:

Fully Funded Assessments

Fully funded assessments are available for your business from the Chamber. The assessment will provide an opportunity for businesses to identify options for development and growth. We then will help you plan how to develop and innovate to accelerate and sustain growth. We will signpost other providers that could help, and will determine a business’ eligibility for funding support from either the Capability Development Fund or the R&D grants programme.   We also partner with Business Mentors New Zealand so if you need a sounding board, guidance or support to grow then this might be a great connection we can help you with.

Capability Development Fund

Capability Development funding may be provided to qualifying businesses after we have conducted an assessment.  This funding allows you access to a partial subsidy of up to 50% on any approved training workshop, course and/or coaching offered by a training organisation, with a maximum of $5000.

Areas to improve your management capabilities include:

  • business planning
  • marketing strategies
  • finance
  • business systems
  • managing resources
  • governance
  • sustainability
  • lean manufacturing/business operations
  • exporting

Register now 

If you are a business seeking advice and support to help you grow, get in touch with the Chamber as your local Regional Business Partner and have a conversation about where to next. 
Call Sandra Crone on 021 870 447 or email


View RBPN supported training