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Digital Diligence Limited

Digital Diligence Limited (DDL) is a diverse team of passionate people who offer a wealth of experience across the technology spectrum and know what it takes to help organisations succeed digitally and who thrive on solving the challenges that keep you awake at night.

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DDL was borne from the frustration of witnessing hundreds of organisations pay too much to service providers, only to receive low levels of service, poor quality outcomes or inflexible, never-ending engagements that seem to be more meeting and less doing.

DDL’s core services comprise:

Business Application Analysis, Design, Implementation & Support
Technology Consulting
Digital Marketing
Augmented & Virtual Reality

Alongside our core product and service portfolio and partnerships, we are equally proud generalists – we can demonstrate the quick wins and the pitfalls, the tips and tricks and the ‘gotchas’ in almost every aspect of the digital landscape.
