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Nelson Bays Primary Health

Nelson Bays Primary Health operates as a Charitable Trust. The role of Nelson Bays Primary Health is to ensure the provision of essential primary health services, mostly through general practices, to people who are enrolled with a general practice (family doctor).

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Nelson Bays Primary Health provides services either directly, through its contracted providers, or in partnership with other services.

All activity is to:

  • Increase access, achieve equity and improve health outcomes for whānau, hapū and iwi Māori living in the Nelson Tasman rohe
  • Focus on improving and maintaining the health of the population throughout Nelson Bays region

Healthy people, healthy workforce, healthy community

The Nelson Bays Primary Health Board is made up of community, Māori and provider representation from the Nelson Bays region. The role of the Board is to provide leadership, set the organisation’s strategic direction and vision, sign off policies, organisational performance measures and appoint, delegate authority to, and monitor the Chief Executive. The Board acts within the boundaries of its own Trust Deed, as well as other relevant legislation and regulations.
